Sparking Business Ahas for a Successful New Year #blab

By |2016-10-13T16:45:36-04:00December 30th, 2015|Aha Moment, Attitude, Business, Destination Aha!, Goals, Happiness, Life, Life Purpose, Making a Difference, Meaning of Life, New Year|

[su_youtube url="" class="center"] What will unfold for you in 2016? How do you want to feel in the New Year? What truly resonates with you? Check out my holiday blab with Business Marketing Architect, Lisa Manyon on setting intentions instead of resolutions, the importance of shift, change and grow, and how to create awe and happiness in [...]

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What’s In a Name? #blab

By |2016-10-13T16:45:36-04:00December 16th, 2015|Attitude, Branding, Business, Destination Aha!, Life, Making a Difference, Motivation, Passion, Planning, PR, Purpose|

[su_youtube url="" class="center"] Check out my first #blab with Business Marketing Architect, Lisa Manyon (@WriteOnCreative) on what's lighting us on fire and how we're helping people make a difference in the world.  

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The Twilight Zone, Revisited: Waking Up With the Crazies

By |2016-10-13T16:45:37-04:00October 6th, 2014|Book, Books, Budapest, Business, Destination Aha!, Flourish, Flourish Summit, Life, Life Purpose, Making a Difference, Passion, Purpose, Success|

When I was 16, my Aunt Becky (30 at the time) told me, “As you get older, life goes by faster.” I thought she was crazy. But now, older and wiser, I know she was speaking the truth. I don’t know what laws of the universe are at play, but I feel like I blinked [...]

Focus On the Burrito

By |2016-10-13T16:45:37-04:00November 14th, 2013|Budapest, Business, Life, Life Purpose, Meaning of Life, New York, PR, Public Relations, Travel|

Shortly after I stepped into the cab I knew I’d forgotten something, something very important. You know when your "Spidey sense" kicks in (yes, I’m going geek) and you just know something ain't quite right? @#$%! We were only a couple of blocks from the hotel, so I immediately began pleading my case to the [...]

You Need a Vacation

By |2016-10-13T16:45:37-04:00October 24th, 2013|Attitude, Budapest, Business, Life, Life Purpose, Meaning of Life, Motivation, Travel, Vacation|

To say I’m exhausted is an understatement. Our friends from Atlanta headed to the airport at 4:30 am today; two ladies I was schooled by (so they have a couple of years on me) who out-walked, out-shopped, and out-drank me their entire visit in Hungary. There are two reasons for this: one, I’m out of [...]

Is Anyone Listening?

By |2016-10-13T16:45:37-04:00October 10th, 2013|Aha Moment, Attitude, Business, Destination Aha!, IT School, Life, Life Purpose, Meaning of Life, Meditation, Serbia|

Sai, a member of our PitchRate community, recently sent me this story his grandfather told him about Saint Narada and Lord Vishnu, the God of creation in Hinduism: Saint Narada prided himself on being Lord Vishnu’s most devoted follower. One day, Narada found the Lord praising a farmer for his own devotion. Outraged, Narada asked [...]

Knowing What’s Important Can Land You on Serbian TV (An Exercise)

By |2016-10-13T16:45:37-04:00September 12th, 2013|Aha Moment, Book, Books, Business, Destination Aha!, IT School, Life, Life Purpose, Meaning of Life, Passion, Purpose, Serbia, Travel|

I had no clue what the Serbian reporter was asking me. Thank goodness Oscar was there to translate the conversation. I met Oscar earlier this spring on when we couldn't find a pet-friendly place to stay in Serbia. While we weren't exactly in the market for a couch to sleep on, I thought the [...]

Are You Speaking a Foreign Language to Your Target Audience?

By |2016-10-13T16:45:37-04:00August 29th, 2013|Aha Moment, Business, Dubrovnik, Life, Life Purpose, Meaning of Life, PR, Public Relations, Travel|

The view from our apartment balcony, looking toward the Old Town of Dubrovnik. George Bernard Shaw was enchanted by this beautiful city, about which he said, "Those who seek paradise on Earth should come to Dubrovnik and see Dubrovnik”. I spent almost three months in Croatia last winter and I distinctly remember stepping out of the shower one [...]

My Baby Shower Invite

By |2016-10-13T16:45:37-04:00August 22nd, 2013|Books, Business, Destination Aha!, Life, Life Purpose, Meaning of Life, PR, Public Relations, Success|

Before I started writing my first book (available now!), I’d heard people say that writing a book is similar to giving birth. I thought, really? Isn't that a little over dramatic? Obviously due to a natural barrier, I haven’t given birth. (Not that I wouldn't have wanted the experience, but life is life.) But now [...]