The Twilight Zone, Revisited: Waking Up With the Crazies

By |2016-10-13T16:45:37-04:00October 6th, 2014|Book, Books, Budapest, Business, Destination Aha!, Flourish, Flourish Summit, Life, Life Purpose, Making a Difference, Passion, Purpose, Success|

When I was 16, my Aunt Becky (30 at the time) told me, “As you get older, life goes by faster.” I thought she was crazy. But now, older and wiser, I know she was speaking the truth. I don’t know what laws of the universe are at play, but I feel like I blinked [...]

Knowing What’s Important Can Land You on Serbian TV (An Exercise)

By |2016-10-13T16:45:37-04:00September 12th, 2013|Aha Moment, Book, Books, Business, Destination Aha!, IT School, Life, Life Purpose, Meaning of Life, Passion, Purpose, Serbia, Travel|

I had no clue what the Serbian reporter was asking me. Thank goodness Oscar was there to translate the conversation. I met Oscar earlier this spring on when we couldn't find a pet-friendly place to stay in Serbia. While we weren't exactly in the market for a couch to sleep on, I thought the [...]

My Baby Shower Invite

By |2016-10-13T16:45:37-04:00August 22nd, 2013|Books, Business, Destination Aha!, Life, Life Purpose, Meaning of Life, PR, Public Relations, Success|

Before I started writing my first book (available now!), I’d heard people say that writing a book is similar to giving birth. I thought, really? Isn't that a little over dramatic? Obviously due to a natural barrier, I haven’t given birth. (Not that I wouldn't have wanted the experience, but life is life.) But now [...]