What Kind of Fish Are You?

Published On: June 20th, 201320.7 min readBy 6 CommentsCategories: Budapest, Dubrovnik, Life, Life Purpose, Meaning of Life, Motivation, Travel

Dubrovnik from above the walled city_for blog
Above the old city walls – Dubrovnik, Croatia

You know those moments when you’re in the middle on a conversation and something big, something important, suddenly hits you? That happened to me earlier this year. We’re all different, we know that. The world would be boring if we were all the same, right? But think of it like this: we’re all swimming in water… happily swimming along and life seems completely normal and ordinary. You’re getting by. Your next-door neighbor is getting by. But what you don’t notice is the water (aka your life) is, in fact, extraordinary and that YOU are a rare and exotic fish.

Let me explain.

I did know that I have an extraordinary life, but it wasn’t until I started taking action on my New Year’s Resolution in early January that I started to realize how rare and exotic of a fish I am.

My New Year’s Resolution was to reach out to people who had made a difference to Wasabi Publicity in the 10 years Michelle and I have been in business. These people are near and dear to my heart. It’s not as if we hadn’t been in communication at all, but I hadn’t really connected with them on a personal level. You know how life gets in the way?

Wow! What an eye-opening experience that was. When I called each of them, the first thing they all wanted to know was what’s up with me (which makes sense because I sent everyone a New Year’s greeting from Dubrovnik, Croatia). Most of my conversations started like this:

“So, you were in Croatia for New Year’s Eve?”

“Well, actually, I am still in Croatia…”


“Oh, did I just call your cell phone?”

“No, that’s my Skype number.” (Isn’t technology amazing?)

“What are you doing in Croatia?”

I proceeded to tell them the short version. Will and I were in Budapest, Hungary, in July 2012 and we found an apartment we loved so much, we bought it. We flew back to the U.S., packed up our house, and put it on the vacation rental market. We loaded up our dogs, Bailey and Brodee, and we were back in Budapest within a month.

An interesting twist to the story is we’re doing a reality show about our move. Before we left the States, the production company came to our house and shot us packing up and getting ready to move. More about that later…

Fast forward. We were renting a friend’s apartment in Budapest while ours was being renovated and we had another friend’s daughter staying with us. One evening she was talking about how she needed to be out of the Schengen Area within 90 days.

I’ll spare the alien details, but it was in that moment we realized that when we flew back to the States our tourist visa wouldn’t reset (like we somehow thought it would) – you can only be in the region for 90 days within a 6-month period – and we were about to overstay our welcome.


We called the U.S. Embassy in Hungary. They couldn’t help us. We consulted with attorneys. The only solution was to leave the region ASAP.

So, we postponed the TV show shooting of the apartment reveal, loaded up the dogs, and headed to Croatia.

And there we were in Dubrovnik. And as George Bernard Shaw said, “Those who seek paradise on Earth should come to Dubrovnik and see Dubrovnik.” Absolutely! We were not planning to travel to Dubrovnik, but I’m so glad we did.

Here’s my point. Having a conversation with those people around me gave me the opportunity to get really clear about the water I was swimming in and how extraordinary and unique my life truly was. Too often, we forget what an amazing job we have done in creating extraordinary lives!

I invite and encourage you to start having the same kind of conversations with the people around you. Open your mouth to see the water around you.

Share what you see!


About the Author:

Drew Gerber

For 30 years, Drew Gerber has been inspiring those who want to change the world. As the CEO of Wasabi Publicity, Inc., lauded by the likes of PR Week and Good Morning America, he sparks "aha" conversations that lead to personal and business success. His PR firm is known for landing clients on Dr. Phil, Oprah, Anderson Cooper, The Wall Street Journal, Inc., Entrepreneur, and other top media outlets. Wasabi Publicity lives to launch conversations that make a difference and change the world.


  1. Miriam Pia June 20, 2013 at 11:42 am - Reply

    I can tell I have been affected by social media because I picked this article up through Facebook and actually expected it to be another “Facebook Quiz” type of thing but it wasn’t. I have read the entire thing and still do not know which type of fish I am.


    Where I grew up there are a lot of carp. You’re basic catfish. That might be all it is. The thing is, catfish are great because they are able to survive in a wide range of locations. People can eat them in some places but where I grew up they had taken in so much DDT from the industrial waste dumped into the rivers and the acid rain that we were told not to hunt and eat the carp.

    Harsh reality. The good news is, they were able to live and most did not have obvious diseases or anything.

    As the Germans say “Umweltschmutzung”. That was Central NY in the 1970s and 1980s.

    • Drew Gerber June 21, 2013 at 9:05 am - Reply

      Thank you for your comment, Miriam. Conversations can make all the difference… ask the people around you!

    • Barbara Colby June 21, 2013 at 5:29 pm - Reply

      Hi Drew:
      I’m sure you recognize my name since I have used your service & e-mail with you & have followed what happened with that book you were writing. I was sure glad to hear you were normal where that was concerned.

      You are a good story teller & I rteally enjoyed your e-mail on Dubrovnic. You never finished the end….Please finish it for me. So….are you still in Dubrovnik et al? Are you back in the states?….And what happened to the the place you intended to rehab?

      Wherever you are with your brood, by now you’ve had to realize that your destiny is still before you & that everyone, if they realize they are unique, & what the purpose of their life is for them, then the bottom line answer is there for each individual. to experience. Destiny is knocking at your door, JUst open it.

      I challenge you to read Lance Secretan’s book, “The spark, the Flame, and the Torch.” ISBN 978-0-9865654-0-3 : E-Mail [email protected]

      • Drew Gerber June 24, 2013 at 9:21 am - Reply

        Hi Barbara – yes, I recognize you!

        Thanks so much for your comment.

        We are in the States right now, just visiting – and will be heading back to Hungary in a week or so. Our renovations in Budapest are complete and we’ve just purchased a farmhouse in Serbia! Here it is: https://www.destinationaha.com/dont-judge-a-house-deal-by-its-cover/


  2. Page June 20, 2013 at 1:27 pm - Reply

    I know just what you mean! I had a conversation with a man who suggested I focus on a particular approach for my business. I then listened to a teleseminar that tied into that plus added a twist. Then, I connected with a program that will not only utilize both of the first things, but put it on steroids! Jump in! The water’s great!! One thing just seems to lead to another and another sometimes. Sure am enjoying the swim right now. 😀

    • Drew Gerber June 21, 2013 at 9:06 am - Reply

      That’s so great, Page!!

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About Drew

For 30 years, Drew Gerber has been inspiring those who want to change the world. As the CEO of Wasabi Publicity, lauded by the likes of PR Week and Good Morning America, he sparks “aha” conversations that lead to personal and business success. His PR firm is known for landing clients on Dr. Phil, Oprah, The Wall Street Journal, Inc., Entrepreneur, and other top media outlets. Wasabi Publicity lives to launch conversations that make a difference and change the world.

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